The business world is a condition in which a large number of people are active in some type of business. 

It entails the exchange of commodities, services, and money in the business world. 

Honesty between business people, corporate organizations, and the general public is critical in the business world. 

The practice of lying has become the norm. 

The factors required to encourage honesty in corporate conduct and behavior are vitally necessary.

Truthfulness is defined as a quality demonstrated by someone who tells the truth all of the time, regardless of the circumstances or scenario, even if they are in difficulty. As a result, a truthful person is a trustworthy individual. 

  Characteristic of a trustworthy individual 

1. Trustworthiness - Others can trust or believe in them. 

2. Not covering up wrong doings 

3. Dealing with people in an open and honest manner, rather than being cunning or crafty. 

4. Always telling the truth, even if it hurts you, and maintaining consistency in truthful behavior 

5. Avoiding deception

Factors that lead to people stealing and lying

1. Deception 

2. To disguise bad behavior 

3. To conceal wrong doing. 

4. To hide the fact that something was supposed to be done. 

5. To save face for a broken promise. 

Being truthful in business earns you rewards

1. In the community, a truthful person is regarded as upright and respected. 

2. A trustworthy person is always considered when completing an assignment that requires trust. 

3. A truthful person's conscience is always clear because when he or she tells the truth, there is nothing to fear. 

4. Such a person is honored by groups and others of like mind.

The ramifications of lying 

1. Reputational damage 

2. The person can't be trusted because he's untrustworthy. 

3. The person's conscience will keep him awake at night. 

4. He / she will be despised by others. 

5. He will be restricted from positions that require honesty and integrity.

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